Went to Portland for the first time in ages and ate tasty donuts
and visited a store that was a combo thrift store/plant store, also, yes, of course, visited Powell's Books (and hand-sold their last copy of Adrift to a lady browsing in the B's, lol).
I'm happy to see Portland continues to be weird in the best way.
I was actually there for the Pacific Northwest Bookseller Association (PNBA) tradeshow as an invited author. It was great fun! I spoke to a giant room full of booksellers about Adrift and my ridiculous need to research all the things for my novels (amnesia, sailing, nanotechnology, identity and sense of self). I signed tons of books and put them in the hands of booksellers. I met marketing and sales folks from my publisher in person! All the other authors I heard talk sound like they've written amazing books. It was a fantastic time. Booksellers are so kind!
Thanks to PNBA for having me and letting me nerd out about books. I brought a stack home and need to quit my job so I can get all this reading done.
ALSO - unrelated - the fabulous Canadian author, Anita Kushwaha, whose fantastic book, The Secret Lives of Mothers and Daughters, happens to be partly set on campus at my undergrad university, Carleton - interviewed me and featured our conversation on her blog. Anita is lovely and asked interesting questions, so go check it out: https://anitakushwaha.com/2023/09/07/author-chat-with-lisa-brideau/
FINALLY - I created a handy link for folks who want to subscribe to my newsletter. I'll likely send out three emails a year when there's something interesting to share. If you want to know when I have a new book coming out or when Adrift is being made into a movie*, the newsletter is your ticket.
Subscribe here: subscribepage.io/gD705K and watch for the confirmation email (anti-spam requires you confirm).
* Rights are available, contact my film agent, lol