I'm excited for Adrift-related events already planned for 2024. Please join me if you can!
March 27 - virtual event with Mississauga Library, part of the Author Talk Series at 7pm EST. Free to attend but you have to register in advance (click here). We'll be talking about Adrift and writing and publishing generally. Also probably about climate change because I can't help it.
April 7 - Yoga and Reading Retreat - Shenanigans Books in Victoria is organizing this amazing multi-day retreat on Salt Spring Island to read, nerd out about books together, do yoga, and enjoy fabulous food. How genius is this getaway idea? Adrift is the featured book for the event and I'm thrilled to drop by for a book club discussion. [SOLD OUT!]
Stay tuned for a few more things in the works that I can't share just yet....