Advance review copies of Adrift are out in the wild!
- If you are on Net Galley you can request a copy to review.
- There's a giveaway on Goodreads (Canada and US) that you can enter.
- You can pre-order anywhere books are sold in Canada, US, UK, and Australia (actually comes out May 9, 2023). Pre-ordering at your local bookstore (vs an online retailer) increases the chances your bookstore will stock Adrift generally.

It's a strange time for me. Strangers are picking up my novel and reading it! One lovely person on Instagram read it in two days and said such kind things - generous words I really appreciated in this new, vulnerable stage of authorhood.
Books are funny things. It's incredibly hard to describe what a book is about - do you want to know the vibe, the plot, or the internal journey of the character? Adrift is thoughtful, I think, grappling with big issues like climate change and identity and found family. But it's also a plot-driven near-future speculative suspense story with a mystery at the core. It's a bit of ocean adventure and a bit of gritty city life. A bit of sci-fi but also very much our world.
Like all books, some people will enjoy Adrift, and some people won't. No book can be for everyone.

For the next few months, I'll be waiting to see if Adrift finds its people, people who click with it and get excited about it. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to keep busy. Got a new kitten as a distraction and that's working splendidly. I'm busy managing adorable chaos.
Here is my author plea to you: if you love a book, tell the world! Post reviews on Goodreads or bookstore websites, tell your friends, get excited on TikTok or Instagram about it. This is the best gift you can give an author. Most people choose books based on recommendations from people they trust. Use your power for good.